GME Aluminium Recycling Channel
Discover our best technology application in Aluminum Recycling. In the treatment plant the aluminium is sorted and cleaned ready for reprocessing. It then goes through a re-melt process and turns into molten aluminium, this removes the coatings and inks that may be present on the aluminium

Aluminium Scraps Recycling INDIA
Sector: Aluminium Profiles
Commissioned: ELVAL/ETEM + CMR (Century Metal Recycling Limited)
Country: Oinofyta, Greece / Faridabad, India
Performed activities: Engineering, Procurement, Realization and Installation supervision
Material: refractoried carbon steel
Capacity: 10 Tons/h
Ma’aden Rolling Mill Decoater 20 tph
That’s what they said
“We have been operating in Used Beverage Cans Recycling for years looking for the perfect plant…”
“The GME team helped us in defining the best solution adaptable for our facilities and they engineered and designed a new complete de-coating line in a tailored-made solution”