Complete Recycling line for every type of Aluminium scrap, Zorba, UBC, Profile, Sheet, Taint Tabor, Engine block, Rod, Casting and much more 

De-coating & Delacquering plant


for UBC (used beverage cans) or Profile aluminium scrap recycling with complete removal process of grease, oil, paint, plastic

De-coating & Delacquering Main functions

The Process is based on a pyrolytic system to pre-treat the scrap removing the organic part from Aluminium such as paint, oil, grease, plastic to be re-used as natural fuel for auto-thermal process, reducing:

  • Natural Gas consumption both for Decoating and Melting phase
  • Dross creation
  • Time To Recycle (TTR)

The CORE of the technology relies on a ZERO oxidation generation of the UBC (used beverage can) or Profile Aluminium scrap during the whole process, with tangible benefits:

  • For UBC or Profile Aluminium scrap with organics over 5%, the process would not use natural gas
  • For UBC or Profile Aluminium scrap with organics below 5% the standard consume of Natural gas​ is between 20 to 28 Nm3/ton scraps charged
  • Hyper-High yield fusion of De-coated product, comparable to the melting of clean metals (bullion)
  • No environmental pollution during melting process

360° Multiple speed


Mechanical Shredding Line adaptable for XXL Aluminium profile scrap recycling up to 7mt length

Shredding & Sorting Main functions

The Technology is based on a Low speed process and a high cutting force shredding machine that unify in just one system different Recycling needs

Just one machine, allowing Aluminium Profiles up to 7m, Sheets and household aluminium scrap products to be shredded, reducing:

  • Dust & fines presence by screening process
  • Wrinkles presence by de-ironing system
  • Time To Recycle (TTR) perfectly separating Plastics, Papers, Rubber by Eddy Current technology

The low speed and high cutting technology of the 360° multiple speed shredder is designed for a perfect recycling of Aluminium profile scrap up to 7 mt length as well as the recycling of Aluminum sheet.


Plants for the Melting process of Aluminium scraps recycling

Static & tilting furnaces, melting and holding types, for Aluminum scrap recycling and recovery with or without side wall to vortex system, with regenerative burners

Melting & Casting Main functions

  • Twin chamber melting furnaces with exhaust gas recycling to optimize heat’s recovery, evaporating from the UBC or Profile scrap organics
  • Fixed and tilting rotary furnaces completed with loader vibrating channel, oxy-gas burner system, Aluminum casting and exhaust gas de-dusting system
  • Homogenizing furnace, billet aluminum-room type with an adjoining of cell cooling
  • Casting belts for Aluminum ingots unit with automatic stackin
  • Exhaust gas de-dusting plants, with complete abatement of acid gases such as HCl, SOx, HF, dioxins


Contact us to get your aluminium recycling plant cost

    What type of information are you looking for?*

    ALUMINUM Scrap Ideal Mix*

    Please add some pictures of the scraps*

    For UBC, Profiles, Extrusion, Taint Tabor, specify if they are Baled or Loose, and if BALES specify dimensions (m x m x m) and density (tons/m³):

    Material Type

    Dimensions (m x m x m)

    Density (tons/m³)

    Baled or Loose?




    Taint Tabor

    What Type of Layout Are You Currently Looking For?*
    Free layout (Green field)Constrained layout

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    Contact Details HeadQuarter

    +39-039 59 61 249 or +39-039 59 61 248
    Via Liguria 1, 20900 Monza (MB) – ITALY


    Contact Details Technical Office

    +39-0383 43 123
    Via Emilia 66, 27058 Voghera (PV) – ITALY

    Let’s work on your exciting new Aluminium RECYCLING PLANT together!